Tuesday, December 21, 2010

And what else have I been doing?

This time of year I love to have the smell of balsam around the house and the shop so I ordered 25 pounds (did I really need that much?) to make little balsam pillows.....this one is made from an older Judie Rothermel "Spirit of the Season 2" scenic fabric.  Next to it is a little 4" log cabin block that did not come out exactly the right size to use in my quilt so it is becoming either a Christmas ornament or a Coaster.  I handquilted it close to the seams.  If I do use it as a coaster, I will only place my coffee mug on the back side!


  1. omg you can order this stuff?
    I asked Judy to bring me a couple of those touristy pillows that say maine on them and smell like balsam trees!
    ok can I buy some from you?
    I want to make little pillows too!!!!

  2. Log cabin blocks are so simple and yet so fabulous! What a sweet. little square.
