When I emptied the large box to fill the box for Karen, I discovered another box the same size underneath it...........filled with guess what...........about Another 400 fabric sample packets! This will go on until they are gone! I have More Than Enough small pieces of fabric to see me through as long as I live! And I just don't have it in me to throw them away! 
Really don't have a lot to talk about today..........still plugging away on the Bristol potholder quilt for the show in July. Think I am working on the Last Hard One (the ones that needed to be drafted) and then I should be able to work faster on the easier ones that I think I can just rotary cut after determining measurements! Here are 5 that are bound. One is in the hoop being quilted. Another is ready to be quilted. And another is quilted waiting for binding.
Actually, the Sawtooth Star was Not one of the hard ones....I just picked it as my first block to get started as I was very used to 6" Stars after making 97 during last year's Most Enjoyable journey with Barbara Brackman through her Stars in a Time Warp block of the week!! Can't work on that (or anything else!) until this project is done!!
I love feeding birds and I took photos to show my granddaughter who gave me the lovely bird feeder hanging near the window so I can watch birds when having coffee and reading the newspaper each morning!
See my beautiful cardinal?! Had to have an extra bale of hay placed on the banking so I could stand on it to fill the feeders!
..The view from inside..........
Lots of goldfinches this year! Love being able to see them so closely!!
Another feeding station in front of the shop....a lovely snowy day! Cardinal decided to join the little Juncos. Really need to look for a new camera that has better zoom capability!! What's holding me back?........Knowing that I will need to learn new things to operate it!!
Almost forgot...........new fabric arrived this week! Mary's Blenders from Mary Koval.
Love this Turquoise Blue .....design is repeated from her Tree of Life collection that I love!
Loverly textured green for leaf applique!!
The next 3 are a clamshell motif in gold, rust and indigo blue......have to tell you the colors because that is another reason I need to new camera.....colors are not true.....tho it is likely the fault of the flash!
Guess that is it until next time...........................Continue to leave comments if you want to be included in the drawing for the Next Box of Samples!! I sure hope they are of use to those who want to make small quilts.!! I'll draw another name in a week or so!