"GreenAcres" by Jo Morton.
Have loved Betsy Chutchian's "Eliza's Indigo" line and wanted to make her little quilt from the book "Mini Marvels"..........
So, it is Started! Everyone knows how good I am about "Starts" and not so good about "Finishes". Tho I try.....not ready to make it a New Year's Resolution yet.....It is actually now assembled as far as the flying geese border but forgot to take a photo! Lots of Snow Weather happening in Maine now and through Christmas so I should find lots of Sewing Time! Interspersed with filling the woodstoves so we will be cozy and warm!
And speaking of Betsy Chutchian, she has a new book coming this spring from Quiltmania (don't you just love their books?). It is "Quilts for All Seasons" available to pre-order in January. You will love all her quilts! Just as we did in the three books she wrote for KansasCityStar.

Here is another Start! A Russian Sunflower (or Sunburst) from "Quilts from the Colonies", a Quiltmania book by Margaret Mew of Australia. A lovely book full of Early American quilt designs. She visited me this fall while she was touring the USA! Lovely lady who has more quilts to make!
My block (and Margaret's too) is hand-pieced.....slow-going for me but think I might pick up speed if I always had one ready to pick up and work on!
My Leaders/Enders project is coming along! Need 576 blocks of the 3" Railfence blocks for a 72" x 72" quilt and now have 555! As usual, have changed my mind and should make a larger quilt. That size is fine for me but this quilt will end up someday with one of my children and they need larger quilts!
No worries......Easy to make more! Many shoeboxes of 1" strips waiting for me! The smaller box contains the "cutaways" from the 6" x 1" strips that just fit one of logs on the 6" log cabins that will like be my next "Leaders/Enders"! I liked the small Log Cabin quilt that I made for the quilt show that I want to make a bed-sized one! And then Handquilt it......just because I loved the feel of that handquilted Quilt!
And since I love the Sunburst block so much, I think I'll make Another One! A six inch block for my Enhanced 9-Patch that will contain a Sampler of many blocks just because it is more interesting to work on! I have chosen to use Cindy Blackberg's stamp patterns for this one.....stamping all the pieces was easier and quicker than I thought it would be! Back someday with my finished block!
And now it is back-basted and ready for needleturn! The scissors are from Karen Kay Buckley and are Excellent for trimming/clipping in small spaces......very sharp, serrated blades.