I think I told you in a previous post how much I like "containers".....helps keep me "organized"!! I have spent (wasted) much time looking for something so I try to place projects in their own little space accompanied by the needed tools so I can just pick it up and go to work! This first one contains some Jane Stickle ("Dear Jane") blocks that I started many years ago and got "stalled"! Bet that never happens to anyone else....right? Anyway, at first I was on Brenda's list and making blocks by hand, by machine and by paper-piecing. Then, at some point I decided I wanted them to be all by hand and I didn't really like the muslin as I feared it might not stand the test of time. Now I have chosen a Bella solid from Moda for my background and have two rows of blocks printed onto freezer paper for my templates. Maybe tonight will be the night to start! Or not! Too many projects going on so it is hard to choose. Another activity that slows me down is my constant cutting of 1" and 1-1/2" strips and 1-1/2" squares as I work.....need to keep those boxes full so they will be ready when I am!

This is the container for the Jane Stickle blocks.....my Mom gave it to me a long time ago and said it had been a cigar box of my Dad's in the 1950's.....don't remember him ever smoking cigars but maybe it was a gift. Whatever.....it is a sweet little sewing box and I treasure it! Hopefully, tho, someday the project will outgrow this little box and I will need to find a larger container!
This is my Posey Packet project (have you noted that most of my projects are small blocks? And involve handwork? More reasons for it taking such a long time until completing a quilt!) from Froncie Quinn of Hoopla Patterns. You can visit her site here. This quilt is inspired by one made by Florence Peto of 3" NinePatch blocks alternating with 3" Applique blocks. I think I am on #7 of 72!!! Truly enjoy the applique and the results are so darling!
The container for this project is a Lunch Box that Moda sold several years ago when they issued a Challenge. The box contained Moda Neutral Fat Quarters from all their designers at the time. They did not sell as well as I thought they would so after a while, I confiscated them for my own use!!
Another ongoing project is this Shoofly quilt (again 3" blocks).....I love choosing the fabrics and making these little blocks! I made a small 12-block quilt from them that I think I showed in an early blog posting.....wanted to experiment with using Sashing or Alternate Blocks. My inspiration quilt had sashing (it was a bright PA quilt but mine will be more sedate New England colors, well, except for a few brights I could not resist!) and I have decided to use alternate blocks, all different, so it will be a Busy Quilt.....that's okay with me.....I like lotsa color! AND, it will finish earlier as only half the total number of blocks will be pieced!!

I found this little quilt top recently in amongst a box of old fabrics......cannot remember how I came by it! It contains 4-patches alternating with a pink moire probably around 1850. I have seen that orange with the brown dots in other 1850's quilts. It is not especially well-made but I have layered it for handquilting.....will be a challenge as the outside setting triangles have the bias edge where it would be nice to have straight grain! Lots of waves to tame! The fabrics are in quite good condition.....why wouldn't they be? Never used!!
The purples are still purple since the top did not see much daylight! They likely would have faded to tan if they had! Love the poison green too!
In this photo is my new ironing board cover of ticking.....bought yards and yards of the stuff years ago when we had a nice fabric outlet nearby.....the kind that had all kinds of fabric for clothing, quilting, home dec! My ironing board is wood and while it measures the standard 15" x 54" of modern ironing boards, the new covers will not fit. I love wood ironing boards and I guess I must be a Collector of them as I have 4......only two are in use, both with ticking covers.
Aren't the fabrics in the 4-patches great? Goes to show that 19th century fabrics were Not drab, nor all brown!!